trimas tok gmba universiti aku th,
t ak letak lak gamba toilet cairo university,haha
Friday, September 25, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
assalamualaikum..tot tot tot.
I wish I could carry your smile and my heart...
For times when my life feels so low..
It would make me believe what tomorrow could bring ...
hee . im now just tidy up my house . my bilik ngn angah . still besepah . he said wanna to keep it kemas2 . I owe u angah ! haha
rayarayaraya . :p
oh seriously damn much . like n njoy to raya,but diz year,i cant chill up dat feel, lagu rayaraya keep tuning on lines . non stop . switch up the channel . still rayaraya . oh yeah I shud gain up the feel but how?
my 2nd last fasting in diz ramadhan was quite happy ending . kot .,aha,noe y? coz we having our iftar at village restraunt park . oh that was my uncle restaurants . and wat I get ?? it was duit raya duit raya !!:) haha , having long2 time to senyum2 to them coz my wallet come to kembong back ,. ekeke.
p/s:my uncle rst quite best n crowded coz people are alwys kua msok2,n wifi was free!
so i use it to donlod mcm2 in my hp.:)
So i dunt now wat would happen tomorrow or next week,
oh b4 im forgot, I will involve in BTN camp in sepang,ah wat was it?damn,forgot what was it name,kem ape tah ., haha, n after that, tah bile i bcome flies(lalatlalat)
so wish me luck, sob3 . goin to leave msia 4 6 years(ala,t cuti kelik gak) haha.
so to all members yg dah ade kat sne, when im arriving,kalo wat x kenal 2 mmg naye uh,hee.
to all malaysian students, sori 4 everythng that I hav done b4, nk raye nh, (ak xmintak duit raye nh kire ok la th)haha .
so skng msok bab wasiat.
kpade sume membe2 ak,sori kalo xpat state nme sorg2,payah uh weh,hehe
tok dak2 uia th,jgn maen bola mlm2,dak2 bilik aku,dah2 uh maen pes,nk final dah,syuk,tlg tgkkan biskut aku,t kenit ngn zaki wat sahur ag,amir,kate nk stop smoke,ak tggu la bile fellow nk saman kaw,haha,ha kenit,pas ak xde,leh uh ko tido atas katel ak,ko xpenah ag naek kat atas katel ak,sdey lak,haha,syuk,haa,ak ase rubiks ak tertinggal ah kat bilik,so maen lah korg,haha,daus,t kejut la dak2 bilik soh wat qiam,bkn bgon sahur tok smoke,(wa tabik spanar ah)ha daus bi,class rack ak,haha,tahnx ah tlg fotokopikan handout,ak bayar abes kan,?haha,
safuan weh,dah2 uh pegi um,cube la ko blnje ak bukak pose ke,dpd pg um,tmbg mahal,naek taxi ag,skng ekonomi terok(ececece)
cipeng,wat lab report lek lok,jgn asek msj ak je,haha,solihin,t kalo ko tido b4 g kelas math ak xnk kejot ah,tp kalo ak tido ko kejot ah,hee,thanx coz aja ak fizik awal2 ri2,sori xpat ajar kaw math(Sdeyh dow xpat aja kaw)
damn oden ngn pdot,jge nme sepintar baek2,jgn salah gne webcam,bukak pose kat msjid,bru ase nikmat dye,hehe
shahmil,nyesal gle ak x tmpr kaw ri2,haha
zaidan weh,t kat ne2 ble ak jmpe court,ak try shoot 100 kali,ak nk jd power dpd kaw,hehe,btw ri2 ak menang kan lawan kaw?haha,maen ah ngn alep leklok,ekeke
akmal,jgn bgmba ngn moon slalu,t ammar marah,amer,bawak kete leklok,jgn pecut2 je,pe brg pecut mlm2,xde kete,haha
monek,jgn gado sgt ngn muzakir,ak taw korg besfren,(yeke)tp jgn smpi mesra sgt(annoyed)haha
jenab weh,tukar2 la bunyi kete kaw,t akmal record ag sore aku,hehe
nisa,jgn nanges dpn ktorg,kelakar ah,ak nk gelak tp xpe la,t ko nanges ag x benti2 lak ak gelak,hehe.
to all my besties.
ak syg gle korg.mampos ah korg nk kate ak gay ke pondan ke,janji memg ak syg gle kat korg.haha
wasiat ke2,haiyo.haha
to cikeh.
oit2.kaw nga wat pe uh?msti tsengih2 tgk gamba kaw kat sogo,
time ko duduk atas rak kasut,
pas2 ak igt ag,ade dak2 kecik kat sogo nghoyak kat mung,
garang boh mamat nh,haha(mamat)?ekeke(ak gebang je)
erm ak taw ko nga sdey,
yela soulmate kaw en dah jauh sgt,sgt2 jauh kan,kat tepi sphinx kot skng,jap g kne makan ngn firaun,(wat bukak pose)hehe
ko jgn uh sdeyh,ak taw ko epi je ak pg coz nk soh usha2 soulmate kaw(jgn harap ak nk usha)
jge soulmate kaw kat uia th,classmate ak th,ko jgn wat coffeemate dah uh,hee
mkn burger leklok,kalo pening amek ubat pil cikeh te on.
pas2 jgn xmandi pagi2,pg kelas th tlg mandi,mandi dgn air,bkn deodorant rexona yg kaw bangge kan sgt th,haha
ko jgn merayau2 kat pertama,coz org kat c2 naek bosan kat kaw,asyek menanges2 je,akak yg jge toilet th pon lepak je,kkaw lelebeyh,
thanx lahh coz deal ngn ayah kaw,at last ak dah ade teman seidop semati,kalo ayah kaw x tlg en,mahal gak ak kne kua duit,alhamdulillah,syukur,ekeke.
btw dearest aku asek mati ah,kejap2 hang,mengong tol.
kalo wat reunion th,gtaw la,t ak nk wat gak(kg baru)
ak taw ko ngah bengang ngan aku bile ko bce sampai line nh,
xpe2 ak taw ko botak(jelez rmbot afro aku)
hehe,bile nk bom uia?ak nk blah nh,kang kalo x jmpe KLCC paham2 lah,hee
2je tok kaw cikeh,t panjang2 lak,ko menanges igt ak dah xde,hee
take care anak pak wan.
so wasiat ke3 lak,
(penat seh)
to wardina,
na,kaw sehat x?ak taw time ko bce nh,msti ko ngah senyap gile,
xpon kaw nga gelak tapi xde sore*pelik ah
hee,bangon pagi2 gosok gigi,jgn x gosok,
t itam,hee,blaja uh memasak,t xkn ko sahur makan roti ngn tuna je,
cube jadi mcm aku, pg ukc2 minx bawang2 ngn minyak tgh2 mlm,bru thrille,hehe
kalo nk lintas jalan 2 leklok,jgn jadi mcm ayam,(Ayam pon xnk jd cm ko)hehe
pas2 kalo nk naek LRT th,beli tiket tmpt yg kaw nk pg,bkn tiket tmpt yg kaw ngah berdiri skng,
oit wardina,
kalo bosan,jgn nanges2,nnti ko jadi panda,sape susah?roomate kaw gak,t diorg xnk ngaku kaw homosapien,.
kalo bce buku bio jgn dgr hot fm,dgr surah lukman,t dapat anak pandai2.
pas2 kalo tido jgn bnyk sgt bantal,t kalo ak nk kejot ak xtaw mne satu muke kaw,
pas2 kalo basoh baju jgn pakai downy,pakai sabun,baru bersih,
kalo jalan2 terjumpe aku,jgn elak smpi sggop msok longkang,t kaw busuk(dh uh mmg busuk)
ko jgn lari time hujan,kalo guruh bce selawat,bzikir bnyk2,ak taw ko takut,tp jgn takut sgt,t tkentut2 lak,dah uh sejuk,takot teberak lak,
ko jgn buang lirik lagu nasyid hijjaz kat notice board kaw,
kaw jgn marah roomate kaw kalo dia tune lagu if i let u go bnyk2 kali,
kalo ko sedeyh crik towel plkn cpt2.:)
oit wardina,
balik brisbane jgn x ajak aku,ko bawak bola basket ak pon xpe,janji soul ak ikot gak,hee,
kalo ade laki2 nk ngorat th,kaw spray je lada hitam,xpon kaw korek idong pastu kunyah,konpem diorg xnk ngorat kaw,
memandangkan kaw ade LBP yg amat terok,
makan lah hati,limpe,kerang,air horlicks,bayam,kalo ko xmkn t pening,
skng kalo ko pening xpe,coz ak ade,
t ak da xde t mcm ne?(padahal sme je)
t dah success jgn lpe ak lak,ak taw ko igt berat badan aku bape.
last but not least,
kelip ah mate,bce smpi x kelip2.
take care bunga wardina,haha
For times when my life feels so low..
It would make me believe what tomorrow could bring ...
when today doesn't really know, doesn't really know...
and . .
i so hope,still bet a hope(ameng)
but i noe ,
it juz a wasted part of my life .
chill lah babe ,
but i cant ,
and . .
i dont noe y .
torment .
so my purpose doin this post at this nite(4.10 am) just to penoh2 kan post kali neh, hee .
hepi eid !
selamat hari raye maap zahir batin kat dak2..
selamat hari raye maap zahir batin kat dak2 0408
selamat hari raye maap zahir batin kat dak2 sepintar
selamat hari raye maap zahir batin kat dak2 UIA
selamat hari raye maap zahir batin kat dak2 medic egypt
selamat hari raye maap zahir batin kat dak2 PLKN Benum Hill Resorts
selamat hari raye maap zahir batin kat dak2 bilik ABC 402
selamat hari raye maap zahir batin kat dak2 engineering UIA
selamat hari raye maap zahir batin kat dak2 wilayah,pahang,perak
selamat hari raye maap zahir batin kat dak2 cancer
selamat hari raye maap zahir batin kat dak2 blogger
selamat hari raye maap zahir batin kat dak2 ym,fb,ms,fs
selamat hari raye maap zahir batin kat dak2 man.u
selamat hari raye maap zahir batin kat dak2 yg membace..
pose tinggal 1 hari,mlm ramadhan tinggal 1 hari,..
so yakin sgt ke pose kite dterime???...
adakah sume kelebuhan ramadhan kite pat gne sebaek2 nye?
nape hepi sgt nk raye?
para sahabat dlu menanges2 bile ramadhan nk pergi..
adakah amalan mempromote hari raye nh amalan yg dterime?
seelok2nye jgn la blebih2 dlm persiapan raye,..
nnti membazir lak,
so nk ajak,marilah kite bertaubat di mase kesempatan yg masih ade n terbuke luas,
agar ramadhan kite mndapat keberkatan n diterime ALLAH swt...
hepi eid!!..minal aidil walfa'izin..
yg nk wasiat aku th nanti2 ah,haha
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
gonna miss u babe!
so it was started when amer came to uia,juz want to bring 3 of us(damn pdot n me) to casa subang.taylor students homes, and b4 we met them,we take our tim
e at summit,haha,n mapley,taking caffein to have a long n sleepy journey after 2am,
omg!we stucked at guard post,we cant entered it,unless we have the card,ah i forgot wat it was last we registered as visitors to entered in,(haa kan senang!),so we met monek,muz,akmal,jenab,yen in the casa,so we hang out togethr at akmal's house n I also met with my buddies at national services at benum hill camp,anzari was his name,haha
on 2am,we departed from casa subang n hav a journey to KLIA,and it was calm journey bcoz the road was empty n KLIA also was empty at that nite, just full with jpa students only,
we parked our car at parking B and we arrived to GAte 4,so we met ammar,faris md noh,hafiz
n,hafiz m, and the only girl who was under jpa scholarship to egypt was nisa zaidan,my add math mentor,huh I dont know how to described my mind atthat time,seeing many people were crying 4 their daughter or son or maybe for their sib who would leave them 4 about 6 years,akmal saids,ah bile turn aku nk pakai coat nh,hee,and one day the turn will come to me to wear the coat,haiyo,seriously wat was the best word to described my feels at that time uh?however,bear in mind,either ovc or local,the truth is how did we manage ourself to gain wat was our aim n how to achieve it rite. and at that time i saw them brought their luggage and leave us and w
at was the feeling if the person was me?who would leave them that was in KLIA at that time?and insyallah I will feel it,haih maybe it will burst the tears,hee.
Monday, September 14, 2009
time telling story
hurm,well we meet again,
huh since I was in cfs till now,there're a lot of journey i have faced it either best or sad memories but it just a part of life,rite?so with my broken english,i'll tried to manage my english back by writing some or maybe a lot of stories that happened in my seconds,perhaps..
juz a little bit of stories n some pics to be commented.hee
teacher nani's daughter
having a dinner at teacher nani's house,
2 je,hee


9 sept,
guest wut?aha akmal n jenab!!a pair of couple kot,hehe,sori mal,kidding.erm maybe just
want to see their old buddies,well to appreciate them,I bring them to my uncle's restaurant at damansara uptown n it was memorable moment bcoz it such as took a batch to my uncle's restaurant,y?
bcoz we have all 6 classes members,me,akmal,pdot,damn,
maslin,n dreber terbaek,jenab!
haha.about an hour we spent at there,juz eating,having a ngumpat2,hehe,n then snap a pictha,then we went to the nearest mosque n after that we went to cold storage,juz wanna buy a bottle of water,feel so thirsty on dat time and wat happen jenab n maslin was MIA,so we were terpacak at the cold storage(bese la kalo pompuan shopping)ekeke.
2200 sharp we arrived at uia n b4 dat we want to drop at techer nani house at ss14, unfortunately she was working at dat time, never mind,n once thanx to them(akmal n jenab) 4 the 'vacation'.,hee
10 sept.
this terrible day.haha
wat was it?
my dormates aka amir,syuk,fendi,zaki,daus,kenit,adib was successfully make a video entitled salam perantauan dari scotland,maybe 0ne day if i watch that video back i will start to tears,sob3.
11 sept.
it was a raining day and it might be the best moment that shud be written in this blog,
it was a reunion a.k.a sepintarian ifthar at kg. baru. It was started when nisa invited me to join sepintarian group that was created by herself on fb, and wat was they discussed on that time was entitled mjlis berbuke pose. So I thought that kg.baru was the rite place beside it was a shortage time to discussed,and.we have done it.(proses th x payah cter kot)hee
special thanx n kaseh sayang to all of members yg penat2 lelah trying to help(bkn bnyk mulut jer) hehe
a second that was so precious. tol ak nk tulis dlm bi.haha
gmbo bterabur
Thursday, September 10, 2009
sepintarianz 0408
esok (11 sept) akan diadakan majlis bebuke kat restoran chop n steak house kg baru,
masa 630 ptg,
bawak uh duet kalo nk makan,haha
so sape yg xtahu pape n yg dah tahu pape,
datang je kat LRT putra stesen kampung baru,t taw la korg cane nk p restoran th,
datang boh moh3!!
masa 630 ptg,
bawak uh duet kalo nk makan,haha
so sape yg xtahu pape n yg dah tahu pape,
datang je kat LRT putra stesen kampung baru,t taw la korg cane nk p restoran th,
datang boh moh3!!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
ari nh JUWE(mmbe 3 on 3) aku kua uia,
bkn kne dismiis ataw h1n1 ataw kua outing,
tp tubik(bkn same je ke)haha,
die amek dentist kat mesir lahh,, kot,
wish kaw best of luck keh!haha
sian ah kat aku nge zaidan,
xde sorg player 3on3,
pasnh kne wat interview uh kalo ade org nk join ktorg,ekeke
(ade gmba tp t uh ak upload)
p/s: kaw yg makan burger pas2 tetumpah kat tudung mase balik kuanta(kampung aku)
ak ne kutok org ah,haha,nantikan wasiat tok kaw,ekeke
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